I'll be totally honest.
I've kind of been thinking of taking a long-term hiatus from this blog. Blogging has been a good outlet for me for 10 or more years but lately, I'm not feeling it. I still have a lot of opinions on a lot of things, but sometimes I just feel to damn lazy to back my opinions up with facts. The kids are getting older, and they read and stuff now, so my ability to blog about them and their cute little foibles is becoming limited, because as they get older, they have more to expect in privacy.
Blogging has changed as well. I don't see the same kind of communities of commenters as I once did, and now it kind of feels like screaming into the void.
But, I suppose, I like having the outlet here. I like thinking that someone out there cares what I have to say.
Today marked the two year anniversary of my surgery, and I'm kind of bitter-sweet about it.
I don't miss my colon much.
I'm glad to still be alive, and functioning at about 90-95% of what would have once been considered normal.
I'm fat as fuck again, but I'm mostly okay with it. Buying pants is bullshit, though.
I'm anxious a lot. I get scared as hell sometimes.
Maybe I'll keep writing, and just stop promoting it. Maybe I could just make this a place to scream into the void.
There's a common theme amongst cancer survivors.. a lot of talk of Living Life To The Fullest™and Making Every Day Count™. It makes me angry, because it's such a privileged position to take. I mean, it's a nice life, if you can afford it.
I still have kids to feed, a (ever-so-slowly crumbling) roof to keep over our heads, and a car to keep on the road.
Living Life To Your Fullest™sounds pretty good on paper, but the vision of quitting your day job and following your dreams is only realistic when it's built on three things: Money, Time, and Energy.
Once I had Time, and Energy, but no Money.
Now I find I have little Money, little Time, and only so much Energy to go around.
So, I get angry. Once upon a time, I looked at where I was and said "It's cool, I've got my whole life ahead of me."
Now, I'm not so sure. I may not have another 10 years. I may have another 50.
Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
And here I stagnate, wanting to Live My Dreams™ and Make Every Day Count™, but there are mouths to feed and bills to pay and at the end of the day, I am lucky if I have the time and energy to type a few words, pick up a guitar or a paintbrush, or even stay awake through a full episode of Breaking Bad.
LottoMax couldn't come soon enough.
Are you there, Void? It's me, Andrea.
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