It's dark. I'm alone in my bed.
Oh No. No. Dammit, no. NO.
I remember the scene and pick out details, all the little details that didn't quite make sense.
Yes. *sigh*
Close my eyes, try to sleep. I want to go back, I want to go back.
Returning to sleep I'm rewarded only with a bizarre mishmash of images and scenarios that can only be described as odd.
A friend's former flame asks if he can 'call' me - I am conflicted.
Picking my children up from their dads, the couple that used to live there are creating a fantasy world out of Legos. There's a popular sitcom playing on the television, but today's episode features hardcore nudity (and No, it's not The Simpsons) so I try and shield the childrens eyes and hurry them out.
I'm in a Zellers, and having made one small purchase, I try to bypass the huge crowds by going through the vestibule to get to the registers, and I am stopped and accused of 'stealing' a Discman that is A) quite obviously used and B) a good ten years old. I'm told to pay for it despite my argument that I've not only bought it somewhere else, that I also bought it second-hand. The other employees cheer as the first berates me.
The narrative is sketchy, at best. Haw Haw Haw.

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